Better Late than Never: The Reparative Therapeutic Relationship in Regression...
Regressing to move forwards My search for healing began many years ago, when I was experiencing unhappiness and extreme anxiety with panic attacks. I entered into a therapeutic relationship which at...
View ArticleThe Wisdom of Lived Experience, by Maxine K. Anderson
How the ongoing dialogue between the left and right hemispheres constitutes our mental reality My book The Wisdom of Lived Experience explores various aspects of the nature of reality and more...
View ArticleThe Cross-Cultural Kaleidoscope: A Systems Approach to Coaching, by Jenny...
How Intercultural Understanding Enriches the Coaching Relationship My book, The Cross-Cultural Kaleidoscope, was written over a period of four years, in a pre-Brexit world. This called for an increase...
View ArticleBrexit, Boris, and Betrayal: How Boarding School Syndrome continues to shape...
Divided by education, by design, by normalised duplicity, should the UK be surprised to find itself in deep trouble? The shocking events, misinformation, betrayals, and back-stabbings of the last month...
View ArticleSexual Abuse and the Sexual Offender: Common Man or Monster?, by Barry Maletzky
Challenging the Myths Surrounding Sexual Abuse and Sexual Offenders There are few crimes which evoke more horror and loathing than sexual abuse, especially when the victim is a...
View ArticleOn Group Analysis and Beyond, by Anastassios Koukis
Group Analysis as Meta-theory, Clinical and Social Practice, and Art On Group Analysis and Beyond records my theoretical and clinical investigations in the domain of group analysis over the past two...
View ArticleDefining Psychoanalysis: Achieving a Vernacular Expression, by Ian Miller
A snapshot of how psychoanalysts are thinking about psychoanalysis One of the most productively disruptive events of my adult life was my move from the Upper West Side of Manhattan to Dublin, four...
View ArticleThe Other Side of Silence, by Pauline Schokman
A story about the stories we tell ourselves The Other Side of Silence is a novel about many things; intergenerational trauma, unresolved grief, the way in which the quality of our relationships affects...
View ArticleAn Evolutionary Leap: Colin Wilson on Psychology, by Colin Stanley
The author, philosopher, and existential psychologist Colin Wilson (1931-2013) Colin Wilson was born on June 26, 1931 in Leicester—the first child of Arthur and Annetta Wilson. At the age of eleven he...
View ArticleUnder the Totem: In Search of a Path, by Michael Eigen
The further we go, the more there is to go Totem conveys spirit, a sense of the sacred. Freud attempted to get under the totem and explore psychic forces and pressures below the surface. Jung opened...
View ArticleUnrepressed Unconscious, Implicit Memory, and Clinical Work, by Giuseppe...
The psychological and neurobiological characteristics of the ‘unrepressed unconscious’ and the role of the right hemisphere What do we mean by “unrepressed unconscious”? Are there differences between...
View ArticleMeltzer in Venice, by Maria Elena Petrilli, Hugo Marquez, and Mauro Rossetti
Adolescent sexuality, aesthetic conflict, and the importance of case discussions Meltzer in Venice: Seminars with the Racker Group of Venice demonstrates how in psychoanalytical psychotherapy work...
View ArticleCelebrating the work of James S. Grotstein, by Annie Reiner
Of Things Invisible to Mortal Sight Of Things Invisible to Mortal Sight: Celebrating The Work of James S. Grotstein honors the long and illustrious psychoanalytic career of Dr James Grotstein, one of...
View ArticleShattered but Unbroken: Voices of Triumph and Testimony, by Amelia van der...
Breaking the Silence There is internationally the deep power of music, dance, and art with all the meta-understandings and meaning that come from them. However, our species depends on speech, on a...
View ArticleMabel Dodge Luhan, A. A. Brill, and the Psychoanalytic Adventure in America,...
Corresponding Lives: Mabel Dodge Luhan’s letters to A.A. Brill, the first American psychoanalyst This book of letters between a spirited and cultured woman and her prominent New York psychoanalyst came...
View ArticlePsychoanalysis in South Africa, by Joan Raphael-Leff
How Psychoanalysis is Taking Root in South Africa The history of psychoanalysis in South Africa began after Wulf Sachs emigrated there in 1922 with his family. Born in Lithuania in1893, he had trained...
View ArticlePsychoanalysis, Identity and the Internet, by Andrea Marzi
Explorations into Cyberspace Every day on the internet we look for information, play videogames, chat, work, or buy something. But what exactly is the nature of the ‘space’ we surf in and through? Is...
View ArticleUsing Mentalizing in practice – The Mentalization Guidebook, by Janne...
Why Mentalization is a gift for anyone working with Trauma and Neglect The interest in mentalization as a concept has been steadily on the rise over the last decades. Mentalization and...
View ArticleWhite Bird, Black Serpent, Red Book: Exploring the Gnostic Roots of Jungian...
The man doth protest too much methinks: Reaffirming Jung’s Gnostic heritage Despite denials that would have left Shakespeare’s Queen Gertrude decidedly unconvinced, not to mention his repeated attempts...
View ArticleWhy Oedipus did not have an Oedipus complex, by Siegfried Zepf
Oedipus and the Oedipus Complex: A Revision During his work on the concept of the Oedipus complex in 1910 Freud took recourse to a literary highlight of early European culture, Sophocles’ drama...
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